
It’s Sheri Polzella and I just wanted thank Dr. Kris, Kevin and everyone that took the time to speak with me the many times I called with so many questions.

I also wanted to share this picture with you and a little background on Cooper.

He was special. He was the last dog that was pulled out of a very high hill shelter in Georgia. He was out of time and they were out of space. But they loved him, and he loved people and loved life.

 So a rescue pulled him and he was saved on August 26 which is not only national dog day, but my birthday.

This picture is from September 13, 2015. They day I met him in a parking lot in Westport as he got of of his transport bus, also named Cooper.

 I knelt down to say hello and he hugged me. I wanted you to see the love we shared from the second we met each other.

He meany more to me than I could express to you.

 My life is very difficult right now. I’m lost without him, and I would have done anything for him. But this is my Cooper and the love he brought into my life, and I wanted you to see him when he was happy and healthy.

Please don’t stop what you do. I would never have been able to make that terrible ride in the car. He loved car rides and I really think I would have died of heartbreak if I had to do that.
I still might because my heart is indeed broken. I am just devastated and broken.

Thank you for making one of the worst days of my life, a little more peaceful, and a lot more gentle and caring.

He was the best boy.
I ever saw this coming. 💔

Thank you all so much, for being there for us.
